Jin's Three Needle Acupuncture Therapy
Jin's Three Needle Acupuncture Therapy is a new classic acupuncture book! It presents a unique and effective approach to treating many of the conditions seen in a modern medical clinic. Clear, focused on clinical applications and rooted in the Chinese medical classics and western medical science, it will benefit any practitioner, whether applied alone or along with other acupuncture strategies. I highly recommend it to all practitioners of acupuncture
Dr. David Twicken, DOM, L.Ac. Professor and Clinic Supervisor, Emperor's College of Traditional Oriental Medicine. Author of I Ching Acupuncture, The Eight Extraordinary Channels, The Lwo Collaterals and The Divergent Channels
Dr. Jin's Three Needle Therapy is a highly acclaimed acupuncture system, its efficacy documented in published clinical research spanning several decades. Yet, until now, there have been no detailed guides about it outside of China. This book fully and methodically introduces the formulary of the system, with detailed explanations that are deeply rooted in the acupuncture classics. As a clinical guide, it promises to be a great asset for the competent and busy acupuncturist. I can't recommend it strongly enough.
Dr. Ioannis Solos, PhD. Author of Developing Internal Energy for Effective Acupuncture Practice and Gold Mirrors and Tongue Reflections: The Cornerstone Classics of Chinese Medicine Tongue Diagnosis
Dr. Jin's renowned innovation is characterized by simple point selection, extensive indications, unique point combinations, and significant therapeutic effects. It incorporates a very deep understanding of the principles of Chinese Medicine in relation to acupuncture theories, methods, formulae, and needling techniques. This book's systematic presentation of his method will introduce it to the world, and give practitioners of Chinese Medicine che opportunity to learn, apply and study it, for the great benefit of all their current and future patients. As his senior student and academic successor it is with great pleasure that I share in introducing his work to an English speaking audience.
Professor Chen Xinghua Director of Chinese Medicine, and PhD. Supervisor Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
$29.95 ISBN 978-0-692-13242-5
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